Anna's Belles
Oklahoma Ovarian Cancer Support Group
We are in this together, caring for each other.
We meet the third Saturday of the month except November and December.
12 - 1 pm
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
10109 E. 79th St. (Hwy 169 & 81st St.)
Tulsa, Okla.
Anna's Belles is Oklahoma's only ovarian cancer support group. It is based in Tulsa, Okla, and led by semi-retired licensed practical nurse Anna Schlichting. She started the group in 1997 as a chemo nurse. Since then, the group has grown and meets monthly to support and uplift one another during and after treatment for ovarian cancer.
The group meets the third Saturday of each month except November and December. We have a holiday party in December.
Membership is free and open to anyone living with ovarian cancer. Although someone occasionally treats the group to lunch, members typically bring sack lunches to the meetings.
Whether you just need someone to talk to or want to join, please feel free to contact us.
Anna Schlichting